Temperature Project Layouts

Hexagon Layouts

This was time consuming, and caused many headaches, but I devised some hexagon grids in EXCEL. When exporting as pdfs, they did not come out as "pretty" as they were in Excel. I plan on trying to work out conditional formatting, but I can either only do highs or...

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Don't want to do 365 rows? or 365 motifs? How about half of the work. You will still get a decent temperature blanket by doing every other day. This might leave out some freak weather perhaps, if you had a really crazy cold day or something in the middle of summer,...

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Hexagon Grid

Here is a planning grid for putting together a hexagon blanket. I love African Flower patterns. There is so much potential for highs, lows, averages, etc. You will notice that the grid doesn't actually show hexagon shapes. Here is an example of...

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