Off the hook…
Monthly “Strip” Blanket
Here is a photo example that was NOT based on my grid that I posted this morning. This just happened to come up in a group post and I asked Janelle Dupree's permission to use her photo for an...
Monthly Strip Grid
I do not have a photo to accompany this grid, but here is another idea on how to put together a temperature or monthly tracking blanket. This one is done in long, monthly strips. There are two...
Excel Files with Temperature Charts and Conditional Formatting
I am reposting links to some files for tracking temperatures. The files are in Excel, and there are several sheets available within each file to choose from. What you choose depends on where you...
Planning Grids for Motifs
I have uploaded some new planning grids for temperature blankets! For my blanket this year (2017), I used an 18x21 grid. I decided to go with that configuration more because I was thinking of it...
Framed Church Window
Here is another idea for a temperature blanket. Framed Church Window. This project was done by Sherrie Hancock. Framed Church Windows 6 in. Framed Church Windows 6 in. My site is...
Linen Stitch
Linen, Moss, Granite - all names that are used for similar stitches. There may be a slight difference, but all of them work really well for temperature blankets because it is easy to fit 365 rows...
Jacob’s Ladder
Jacob's Ladder is typically made with double crochet stitches with chains in between that are looped together at the end. However, it can be made with other stitches and there are many varieties....