Moss or Granite Stitch

December 18, 2017 | Row Patterns, Temperature Project Gallery |

A very simple and popular stitch to use for temperature blankets is the Moss or Granite stitch.

Marisa M. Marmon Dollar’s Moss stitch example

Here are some instructions on the stitch from Moogly:


Granite Stitch or Moss Stitch – Moogly

Granite Stitch or Moss Stitch – moogly

The Granite Stitch, also known as the Moss Stitch, is another fabulous stitch pattern that’s interesting enough for experienced crocheters, but easy enough for new crocheters! All you need to know is chaining and single crochet – here’s how it’s done! Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links. How to Crochet the Granite Stitch or Moss […]


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